High school sports are winding down, spring sports for the younger set are almost finished, preparation for finals has started, we have spring weather in the upper Midwest at last, single digit countdown to the last day of school has started. Finally!! It's camping season!
My new lake house arrived a few weeks ago! I said that to my neighbor and he said I just needed a lake. Isn't that the point? I can go to any lake I want too?
The TEENAGER even approved. At least, temporarily. He had a sleepover in it in the driveway. Now he's back to complaining about how much he hates to camp. True to my word, I let them have a T.V. in their bunk room and I will let them take their video games. Of course only to be used at night, after dark. I think the teenager will change his tune on some of our trips this summer, I have lots of fun stuff planned. If not, hopefully he can afford his counseling as an adult to repair all the damage his parents have done by making him (gasp!) CAMP.
Our first trip is exactly 14 days away! It's a short one but I'll still take it. Originally, I planned this around seeing the Blue Angels at the local airshow. Instead of that, we're going to check out the local water ski show team. The mountain biking and fishing are great, this is a repeat park for us. Sunday we participate in an annual kayak race closer to home so we will head back Saturday sometime. Overnight camping trip basically but it still should be a busy, fun weekend! Well, for all of us except the teenager of course.
Father's Day is the first really big trip, then it's off to the races for the rest of the summer!! Here's hoping for a hot summer full of great weather and safe travels!
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