Saturday, March 30, 2013

Movin on up!

We are moving into a new trailer!  

Today was packing day and it's kind of funny to me

When I finally wrestled the basket out of the cabinet, I found four hundred and fifty three forks.  Did I anticipate a fork shortage last summer?  Did I anticipate four hundred and fifty three dinner guests at the campground?  I wouldn't have been able to get them out of the cabinet in short order so no matter what the emergency, fork response would have been slow

This was our movie selection for one camping trips in Michigan.  We put the younger kids to bed and had scary movie night with the teenagers.  Now, when I was a kid, these movies scared the daylights out of me.  I thought these would be perfect to watch with teenagers to scare them.  Turns out, the most memorable part of these movies was the soft core porn...memorable for the teenagers of course, embarrassing for me.  They haven't let me forget it either, "inappropriate" is their adjective of choice.

One of my favorite trips of the year, and usually the last, is Halloween.  So when I walked in the camper this was spread out on our bed, apparently, exactly where I left it last October.  It's one of those window covers, you see the spider from the outside at night when the lights inside are on.  I guess I wasn't concerned about cleaning the camper up after that trip?!?  It was cold, I kind of remember thinking I could just deal with it in the spring.  Probably the same temperature it is today but in March that is a lot warmer than it is in October.

It's funny how moving out of a camper is kind of like moving out of a house.  The "stuff" reminds you of experiences and the rooms hold memories.  It also proves true that it doesn't matter how much space you have, you will find something to put in it!

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