Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sandy Shores, Steak and Cinnamon Rolls

So by now you've probably read about all the fun during our weekend at Silver Lake for Father's Day.  We did actually camp while we were there, at Sandy Shores Family Campground.  What a great campground!  This is one of the nicest, if not THE nicest campground we've ever stayed at.

They have nice paved roads all through the campground, no speeding allowed!  Bath houses that are newer and clean, clean at all times.  They actually smell clean too!  Anyone that follows my blog knows by now that we no longer tent camp BUT staying at a campground with a nice bath house is always a plus.  Even though we have a camper with a bathroom, if we are somewhere with a nice bath house we use that instead.  It's just easier and it's less for me to clean after we get home.  They have full hook up sites too, another bonus!  Guests at Sandy Shores have access to their private stretch of beach right across the street from the campground.  That was my favorite part, for sure!  The beach was really nice, not too crowded and just right across the street.

We made a long weekend of it since it was Father's Day, Thursday to Monday.  Sometimes, one of the best parts of camping is eating!  I usually feed my family pretty good (all boys = big eaters) but during the craziness of summer activities, especially the first six weeks of summer, home cooked dinners tend to go by the wayside.  Camping provides us an opportunity to eat good dinners again! 

Steak kabobs
Dinner Friday night was steak and shrimp kabobs on our new Coleman grill.  The grill was the husband's Father's Day gift.  Usually I make my own marinade but I was pressed for time so I used Newman's Own dressing to marinate the meat this time around.  It was DE-lish!  I'm not a beef eater so that review comes directly from my family.

One of my Dad's favorite treats...cinnamon rolls!  I always make cinnamon rolls for my kids when we camp.  When we got a trailer and oven, it became one of our must have camping treats, I guess because I never make them at home.  Usually just out of a can too, but because it was FD I made homemade rolls.

First time I've ever done it but it was super easy.  I got the recipe from a blog I follow, Sally's Baking Addiction.   I made them at home before we left and they were a big hit! Here's the recipe.

Sandy Shores is five minutes from everything.  The bike path is right outside the entrance which allows for a quick easy ride to the ice cream shop, pizza place and all the go karts and rides, etc.  Yep, there is all that stuff too, we don't do that but it is there.  It was also fun to sit around the fire and watch the parade of vehicles going to and from the dunes.  That in itself was almost endless entertainment.

We've been at many campgrounds that have permanent sites or seasonal sites.  That isn't appealing to us, we like to go to new places and revisit our favorites.  I can see why someone would want something like that at Sandy Shores.  It's such a picturesque area with so much fun to offer!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Silver Lake and the Dunes

The husband likes to fish for Father's Day, originally we were going to camp in Ludington (via the S.S. Badger) where the fishing is supposed to be fantastic.  Full discloser - I don't fish, I don't want to fish and I don't know anything about it, so when I say that, it's because I read it somewhere.  Anyway, after some research, I decided Silver Lake might be better to set up camp to cut out of some of the driving for activities I knew we would be interested in.  So, I switched gears and made a reservation at Sandy Shores Campground in Mears, MI.  It was a short 30 minute drive off the boat from Ludington.  More on the actual camping later...

There is so much to do in the area.  We packed our long weekend full of fun and still didn't get to everything!  Friday morning we went horseback riding at Rainbow Ranch.  The TEENAGER is a little old for this type of riding but he went and seemed to enjoy himself and boy #2 loved it!  I really wanted to do the creek ride but with all the rain this spring it wasn't an option, we did the regular trail ride instead.  Friday afternoon we went for a ride on the dunes with Mac Wood's.  We even got my Dad to go with us!  The ride goes by Silver Lake and Lake Michigan and the driver stops along the way with various information about the dunes.  When we got to Lake Michigan, fog was rolling in.  I'd never seen that before, I thought it was sand blowing at first.

Lake Michigan

Saturday we rented buggies at Silver Lake Buggy's.  When we got out on the dune's, it was like a hidden world, I couldn't believe it.  People were parked along the dunes bordering Lake Michigan, there were people drag racing, people just climbing the dunes in whatever vehicles they have and people just park along the borders and hang out and play in the sand.  It was a lot of fun, the husband and teenager have decided this is a new sport for them.  When we were on the Mac Wood's ride, the driver said on holiday weekends they can get up to 2,000 people out there and that people come from all over the county to get on these dunes.

ORV's in the dunes

Sunday the boys all went salmon fishing on Lake Michigan.  Both of the boys hated it, but the husband thoroughly enjoyed his Father's Day so that was all that mattered.  It's a good thing he enjoyed it too, because I don't think he'll convince either of the boys to do that type of fishing with him again.  It's too much of a commitment for them and I think they both got a little sick but everyone caught a fish!  I guess that makes it a successful fishing trip?  I don't really know.

Sunday afternoon it was sunny and 80 and I spent the whole afternoon at the beach.  The best day so far.  I used my SUP! I used my beach chair and kept my feet buried in the sand for several hours.   I didn't use sunscreen and got a sunburn (I know, I know) but I was just so happy to finally have a hot sunny afternoon, I just wanted to soak in as much sun as I could. 

Silver Lake

We went to the West Michigan Sand Dragway Saturday night.  They started early due to the threat of rain so we missed all the action but it looked like it would be lots of fun to watch.

A bike ride on The Hart-Montague Trail was on my list of things to do Sunday morning while the boys were out fishing.  It rained Saturday night so by the time I got things cleaned up and my bike seat dried out, I was expecting the boys back and wanted to head to the beach so I just never made it.  Also on my list was a kayaking trip on the White River.  Next time!

Sunday late afternoon we went down the road to check out the lighthouse.  There are tours available and sometime I would like to do that, but there wasn't time for that on this trip.  We had to get back for the Father's Day fish fry!

I love Michigan and this is why!  Every time I'm there I just fall in love all over again! 

Silver Lake, with it's near endless list of things to do, is a new favorite for this family.  I can't wait until I can plan our next visit!

Setting Sail with the S.S. Badger

I'm a sucker for nostalgia.  Last summer during one of our camping trips, we ran into a man that told me about the S.S. Badger  and he told me at least once, we should experience it during one of our camping trips to Michigan.  More on the camping later...

The S.S. Badger sails from Manitowoc, WI to Ludington, MI daily and is celebrating their 60th anniversary this year!  It's like a mini cruise, really.  There are viewing decks and lounge chairs.  It was too cold the day we went for outside viewing, but on a hot sunny day I'm sure it would be great. It's about a 4 hour cruise across the lake.

We played bingo.  Boy #2 even won a souvenir glass when he had B.O.!  He didn't understand what B.O. meant when he yelled it out, but he does now!  We watched Hotel Transylvania in the forward movie lounge.  We shopped!  We bought t-shirts, stickers and a blanket for the camper.  We had lunch, burgers, pizza, cookies.  Oh and

the Portside Bar has plenty of drinks!  There are state rooms available too.  We cruised across the lake in the middle of the day so that wasn't really necessary for our trip.  The teenager spent most of his time in the t.v. lounge watching Sports Center.  There is a small museum in the quiet room.  I found it very interesting, shipwrecks and boats of days gone by that sailed the great lakes are very intriguing to me.  The kids weren't interested in that, but I spent about 30 minutes in that room looking at everything.  Boy #2 loved the whole experience and was wishing we could take the boat back to WI on the way home.

We camped in MI for the weekend, so we specifically went out of our way to take the S.S. Badger across the lake.  Our four hour trip turned into almost six hours because the boat was late, so if you're looking for convenience this may not be the way to do it, but it is something to experience once in your lifetime. 

This is the view coming into the Ludington, MI port

What a view!!  That just screams SUMMER to me. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Illinois PaddleFest 2013

This is how my day started...After a late night at the local watering hole with the husband, I got up early for my group exercise class and decided I should run (or at the very least, walk) there and back.  It's only 1.5 miles one way but I had a monster headache so it was challenging.  Anyway, I did it, and of course, felt a lot better after.  I despise group exercise, I like training one on one with my trainer but the group thing just really isn't for me.  I take this class because it's a core class and I need it and the trainer that teaches it is GREAT so I endure.

The Illinois Paddlesports Festival was this weekend in Aurora, IL.  A friend and I signed up for two classes, stroke improvement (it's a paddling term) and kayak rolling.  The friend totally bailed on me but I still went alone.  When I got there to sign in, the class schedule was different from the schedule online.  The only rolling class was the earlier time and the later time was all intro classes that wouldn't be appealing to me.  After a little switching around, I was in the rolling class.  I don't have my own boat but the instructor let me use his.

I did really good at the beginning!  I couldn't believe it, really.  I flipped myself over and did a wet exit with no problem at all & I was practicing edging with great control.  I practiced hip-snaps and it felt great and I wasn't having any trouble flipping the boat back up.  The instructor spent a good 30 minutes with me practicing hip-snaps.  Then it was time for him to work with someone else so I paddled off for a spin around the lake.  I have no idea what I did BUT just like that...I was upside down.  I totally panicked too!  I couldn't flip the boat over and I couldn't get out of the boat either.  There I was in the middle of the lake, flopping around, attached to an upside down kayak, trying to keep my head above water until the instructor could get over and rescue me.  It scared me to death!  I've never been in water in a situation that scared me like that before.  That technique is obviously one that requires a lot of practice, now I totally understand why every single time I've been on the water at Rock Cut State Park, there has been someone in a kayak practicing rolling.  Over and over and over.

So now, as I'm typing this, I'm sitting in the chair and my hips are sore, my back is sore and I am exhausted!  Much like last weekend when I got home from Rock Cut, but for very different reasons.  I'm probably a little sore from my core class and a lot sore from my fiasco in the water today!  It also is one of the first really nice summer days we've had in Northern Ill.  I went out by myself to learn something new and after all that, I had a great time and I'm glad I went!  Maybe next year, I'll be back with my own boat and get in the rolling competition!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Breakfast Pizza

As promised in my post about the kayak race, here is the recipe for the breakfast pizza!  I love this recipe, I make it quite often.  It's easy, fast and feeds a crowd.  It also travels well and is as good cold as it is hot!

1 lb pork sausage - cooked, crumbled and drained
1 package refrigerated crescent rolls or dough sheets
1 cup frozen hash browns - thawed
1 cup shredded cheese - sharp cheddar or Colby Jack
3 eggs - beaten with a 1/4 cup milk and salt & pepper to season

Spread dough on pizza pan or cookie sheet.  Make the dough as thin or as thick as you like, as big or as small as you like.  I like mine thin, so I usually use a half sheet pan and 1 full can of crescent dough sheets.  Sometimes I use part of another can around the edges and corners.  If you're using crescent rolls you will have to push each roll together to close up the seams.

Spread the sausage over the dough, then the hash browns and cheese.  Pour the egg mixture over all.  Bake at 375 degrees 15-20 minutes, or until eggs are set.  This will depend on how thick you make your pizza, the thicker (or smaller the pan) the longer the bake time.

Full discloser - I have no idea where this recipe originated.  I got it from my mother many years ago.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Off To The Races...

Kayak races that is!  2nd annual for this family but 52nd annual for the Fox Valley Park District.  This is a lot of fun, hundreds and hundreds of people come out every year for this amazingly well organized event!  The Mid-American Canoe and Kayak Race.

I'm not sure I could have done anything that involved my legs after Saturday so this worked out perfect!  I got up & dressed for a hot day on the river, came down for my morning coffee and to get breakfast started only to realize it was 49 degrees outside!  Say What??!!

I got the breakfast pizza in the oven...recipe here

and managed a quick wardrobe change, had to put on longer pants and another layer, just in time for the crew to show up.  Both of the boys go and usually various friends.  This year our family friends, known as "the girls", joined in the fun.  The husband usually tags along and after we get going he sets off down river to find a fishing spot along our route.  The TEENAGER complained about going (shocking I know), Boy #2 was ecstatic (he went solo this year) and the girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  They usually do!

There are two distances, we do the shorter one that is 6 miles (I think?) with only 1 portage.  We all got through it, everyone stayed in the boats and in the girls vs. boys race...

The GIRLS BEAT the TEENAGER by 5 seconds.  He thought the race was over when you got out of the water so he passed them quick at the end and hurried to get out but the race actually ended at the finish line which was just past the bridge.  I guess he doesn't know everything yet.  I stayed pretty close to boy #2 and we didn't break any speed records but he did go the distance by himself.

Lunch and beer after shaped the day up pretty nicely.  You just can't beat a good day on the river!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Overnight at Rock Cut State Park

Last Friday, May 31st, was the maiden voyage in the new camper!  After what seemed like an eternity, we finally got out in our new Lake House.  It was just an overnight trip, not far from home and a park we have visited many times BUT it was packed full of fun!

We left Friday late afternoon.  We forgot chairs and fishing poles!  Wow...amateurs!  It was the first trip of the season.  We didn't have toilet paper either, boy #2 couldn't seem to remember that.  Fishing poles were the only thing that was really disappointing.  There were several other things but none of it mattered, especially since it was just one night. 

I really wanted to check out the water ski show in Rockford Friday night but it didn't work out.  Another time for sure!  We had friends meet us at the park Friday and the boys took off on bikes almost as soon as we got them out.  They finally came back but then were busy throwing a football.  Why interrupt them?  That is sort of like waking a hibernating bear, you just don't do it.  By the time we all retreated to the camper Friday night, they made it through 20 minutes of Caddy Shack before they were out cold.

Mountain biking is a must at Rock Cut State Park.  There are miles and miles and miles of single track trails.  Enough that we really didn't know where we were.  We weren't lost exactly, we were still in the park but by the time we started thinking about where we were and how to get back, we were a LONG way from our campsite.  When we got back I was only bleeding in one spot.  That's a pretty good day on the trails for me with the TEENAGER.  I also only fell once, on a muddy slippery downhill slope. 

There was plenty of mud, thanks to all the rain in Northern Illinois.  The bikes are in desperate need of a bath now but the mud adds to the fun of it all! 

Back to the campsite for a break & a quick lunch then to the Lake for some kayaking.  There is a great concession store at the park, they have rental kayaks, canoes and SUP's.  The employees have all been great every time I've been there.  The TEENAGER didn't go, he's too cool for that I guess but boy #2 was all for it.  I just started letting him go solo last year, he is still learning, the lake is perfect for him to practice.  We paddled around the lake for an hour then headed back to the campsite. 

I was planning to stay all day Saturday and head back Saturday evening.  This is when the husband starts with "I want to get back before dark".  It was only 2:00.  He didn't have fishing poles, if he did that would have kept him busy.  So whatever, one more spin on the trails and we'll call it a day.  We did the easy tour the second time, we just took the path around the lake.  It's a big lake, so it took us about an hour but it's pretty easy terrain.

We pulled out just in time too, we drove home in rain.  This is still one of my favorite parks, mostly due to the mountain biking but also the great fishing (when you have poles).  There are great corner sites with plenty of space for the dog. 

The bikes are at the bike shop, they will be trail ready just in time for the next trip.  Saturday night was pretty low key after we unpacked the little amount of stuff we needed too.  To be honest, my legs were completely shredded and I was exhausted.  A good night's sleep and it's off to the races Sunday morning...