Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cheese Country Trail and Lake Joy Campground

At the end of June we took a trip to Belmont, WI to ride ATVs on the Cheese Country Trail.  We camped at Lake Joy Campground .  We had a nice big campsite, three actually, we had friends with us and a lot of vehicles!  The campground was extremely accommodating for us.  They had several planned activities and nice amenities.  We had an RV, our travel trailer, 4 vehicles, 7 ATVs and 2 trailers!  We put the empty site in the middle and all the stuff on the end, it worked out perfect.  One other nice thing about the campsites is that we were able to pull in one of the campers the other way so our campers were facing together.  The sites had plenty of space to work that out. 

The weather was not good, Sunday was sunny and warm, of course the day we had to come home.  It rained all night Friday off and on so we had to stay inside and watch a movie.  It rained Saturday off and on, mostly ON Saturday afternoon when we could have been at the lake.  This would have been a lot more fun if we had good weather! 

Lake Joy Campground

Sunday, June 29, was International Mud Day!  Didn't know there was such a thing?  Me either, but I know now and I'm always looking for a reason to celebrate something.  It's an annual celebration for this family now! 

We rolled in Sunday, just in time to get boy #2 to his water polo match, switch the gear from ATVs to wave runners and head out Monday morning on our next trip!

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